Major news for your wallet

Written by Vladislav Akelyev
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Investing reporter
< 1   min.
Actual news 
Major news index

Cryptocurrencies have an issue, which is their advantage at the same time. They are not tied to any physical asset. Other factors affect their cost, and the main thing is the news background. And many traders make money on this!

Below you can see the correlation of mentions of the Bitcoin project on Twitter, Reddit, Telegram with the asset price. Price increases follow a large number of mentions. Operational analytics allows you to gain an edge over the market. But it’s hard to track it yourself.

Therefore, ECOS offers a solution – the Major News Index investment portfolio. Analysts of our company choose the cryptocurrencies with the strongest news background for you and constantly update their list. To do this, they use the latest big data analytics solutions on Twitter, Reddit, Discord, and other social networks.

Major News Index is this week’s top 8 most referenced projects, excluding Bitcoin and Ethereum. It was created to get a big profit on the most hype coins quickly. So check out which coins will go up this week!

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