All you need to know about ECOS in one article

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Crypto news 

When was ECOS established?

Established in 2017, ECOS is a legal crypto investment platform that offers a wide range of investment solutions for earning on the best digital assets. We carefully select the most promising crypto assets and package them into diversified investment solutions. This allows our clients to implement any investment strategy, including bitcoin mining and high-risk indexes. Our vision is to make crypto earnings easy, accessible and affordable for everyone!


What are ECOS products/services?

ECOS offers various products and services for investing in the best in class digital assets and managing them in our App. Our key products are:

✔️mining farm

We are constantly expanding our range of products and planning to launch new ones in the near future.


How many clients are using ECOS services?

ECOS serves more than 430,000 users globally. We managed to earn their trust and loyalty, providing simple, reliable, and effective solutions for crypto investments.


What is the capacity of ECOS mining farm?

ECOS capabilities allow to place up to 20,000 ASICs in a mining farm with a capacity of 27 PH, which is located in Armenia. The location of the data-center provides several significant benefits for mining BTC: an on-site power plant, favorable climate conditions with a 4 °C-year average temperature. The BTC mining process is controlled by intelligence systems that ensure its high efficiency from end-to-end including up to 100% uptime work, up to 107% mining efficiency, and 24/7 maintenance and security.


What is the minimal amount to start investing in crypto with ECOS?

The minimal sum of money to start investing in crypto with ECOS is just $150.

You can find out more details about ECOS special promotions by following the link.

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