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Bitcoin price prediction-2030: what should we expect?


Bitcoin is the oldest and the most reputable coin. Its growth seems ever-lasting though some rumbles are heard from time to time that this is just a passing fad and it will certainly turn out to be a flop one day, sooner or later. Is it possible to predict the future of Bitcoin? Let’s look into a crystal ball and try to make a Bitcoin price prediction-2030.

OK, put a crystal ball aside and take the matter more seriously. Is it possible to predict what will happen with BTC while the crypto market can change in a moment? It is impossible to know exactly the price of any token for the next month and a decade seems to be too long.

Of course, this makes sense, but it is also possible to analyze some main approaches and try to answer the question: how much will a bitcoin be worth in 2030?

The stock-to-flow model

The stock-to-flow model is an attempt to evaluate BTC mathematically. Though not all the members of the crypto community have accepted it, it is appreciated by numerous adepts.

The idea of this model is quite simple. Nearly every four years the number of new BTCs is decreased by 50%. A simple calculation of the math illustrates that while about 900 BTCs are mined per day in October 2021, the daily input will have reduced up to 1.5625 BTCs by 2028. In this case, the balance of supply and demand regulates the price.

The maximum supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 million, and long-term investors will be able to make fortune on it. According to the forecasts based on this model, the prospective buyers should be ready to pay over $900,000 per BTC.

But despite these bright prospects, the real market situation makes its own adjustments. This year has brought some unpleasant surprises and disturbances to crypto investors. China’s government put a blanket ban on all crypto transactions and mining while Tesla claimed to refuse BTC acceptance due to the negative impact of mining on the environment. Both episodes dealt a heavy blow to Bitcoin, and nobody can say how many such episodes will occur during the next decade.

The public opinion

No matter what analysts say, the final words rest with the market participants. Eventually, it’s they who make the prices move to buy this or that coin with a long-term perspective, that is why their collective averaged opinion matters.

According to the poll conducted in December 2020, 17% of respondents believed that Bitcoin would be worth more than $50k by 2030. Over 50% of them consider BTC to be a better investment than stable fiats, precious metals, real estate, or stocks.

But at the same time, the investors’ attitudes depend heavily on the current situation on the market. If the same respondents were asked the same questions not in December 2020 but in April 2021 when BTC was traded at about $65,000, the answers would differ much.

Volatile or not?

At the same time, the very idea of Bitcoin’s future volatility remains questionable giving rise to numerous discussions on the further opportunities and challenges. Some experts believe that the token’s volatility will reduce with time. According to this point of view, there will be no dramatic changes in the BTC price with the approach of 2030.

On the other hand, another scenario asserts that too many people will become BTC owners in 2030 but most of them will have just the smallest share of this cryptocurrency. This means that they will be not strong players in the market and they will have no power to influence it directly. Then, another issue is connected with miners whose activities support the entire network performance and provide stability. Their award will be too low to make somebody get interested in the network participation. Transaction fees might become a way out of the situation but nobody knows how they could affect the Bitcoin owners.

What will be the future of Bitcoin?

As you can see from all said above, this is such a thankless job to think over the future of the oldest coin in the crypto world for ten years in advance. That is a long period of time, and things can change in the blink of an eye. We remember BTC when its price was less than $1. We see that its price is over $60,000 today. We observed its ups and downs. Can you be sure that the uptrend will have continued up by 2030?

Lots of coins are brought to birth every day and not all of them are nothing. One day we can find out that one of them has come forward and managed to overcome Bitcoin. This might be Ether, the BTC’s closest rival, or even a dark horse which name we don’t know today. Maybe, this winner isn’t launched yet.

But keep in mind that the predictions may turn out to be true. Bitcoin may well continue to increase along this bumpy way of constant growth, and it may well evolve into an asset more valuable than gold by 2030.

To sum our investigation up, I’d like to offer you some sheer numbers on how much 1 Bitcoin will be worth in 10 years provided by experts that study BTC as an investment tool:

  1. Jeremy Liew promises $500,000 per token
  2. The Crypto Research Report insists on $397,000
  3. The Winklevoss Twins stick to $500,000
  4. Mark Yusko prefers $400,000 to other sums

Choose any number you like or try to make your own forecast. Let’s see in 2030 whose prediction was the best.


Who regulates Bitcoin? 

Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency and it is regulated only by supply and demand.

What price of Bitcoin will be expected in 2025? 

Nobody knows exactly. But according to some forecasts, the price can reach even $1 million.

What is the price of Bitcoin today? 

At the time of writing, the price of 1 BTC surpassed the mark of $60,000.

Can we expect Bitcoin’s price of $100,000? 

Of course, such a price is quite possible, but nobody can say when and if it will happen. All negative factors mentioned above influence Bitcoin even more than altcoins. The uptrend can change at any time, that’s why never spend more money on crypto than you agree to lose.

Is Bitcoin worth investing in real money? 

Investing is a risky business by itself. Think about all the pros and cons before you start. In 2021, the uptrend continues, but you should keep in mind that your purchase could end up being loss-making in case the direction of the market changes. Most forecasts favor bullish sentiment but it’s up to you if you are going to rely on these forecasts.

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